Duke (yes, a girl named Duke), is our almost 8 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever/Black Lab/German Shepard mix. She has had a long history of knee problems, both knees have had TPLOs, the left knee had a reversal of the TPLO, and when she continued to have problems with it, Dr. Schulz preformed an arthroscopic scoping of the knee. As part of her healing process, Dr. Schulz recommended that we bring Duke in for therapy.
We were very impressed from the first session with all of your knowledge, as well as the time you took with our dog — who’s not always easy to work with. Duke loved every minute of her pool time, and would have chased after that duck all day if you let her. Aside from enjoyment, the swimming forced her to work and stretch in ways that she normally doesn’t on our walks. From the first session to the last, we noticed a definite improvement, she was able to jump into and out of the car on her own, as well as go up and down the basement stairs, even play in the snow, all tasks that she had not done in previous months.
Our only regret is that we hadn’t been able to do anything like this years ago — it might have prevented some of her pain, or even the last surgery.